जम्मू केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालय

Central University of Jammu


About the Department

Established in 2014, the Department of Mass Communication and New Media currently offers a two-years full-fledged PG programme: MA (Mass Communication and New Media), and a doctoral programme (PhD) in the field of mass communication and media. The department is equipped with latest innovations to excel in all academic pursuits with practical applications of Mass Media. We are committed to quality education and professional development for future media practitioners/academicians/researchers in different spheres of media and society.


The Department aims to train learners with all global dimensions of mass communication and with state-of-the-art technology and seeks to foster acquisition of critical thinking amongst students so that they understand the relationship between the production, reception and construction of meanings in all forms of communication. It also aspires to produce value research work in communication pedagogy and become conduit between media and society at large.